Andrew Rutledge


As the founding partner of Office of Design, Andrew Rutledge shapes many of the guiding design principles of the firm from preservation to green building. Andrew believes that great Architecture should lift the spirit of those who experience it. With over 25 years of design and architectural experience Andrew is committed to shape the public realm of Architecture with buildings which are responsive and collaborative to their specific sense of culture and place. This passion for creating great projects begins in the early stages of design through the collaborative process of observation, communication and the analysis of context, program, and materials. Through sketching and open communication with the client he is able to obtain a clear understanding of the client’s needs and desires in correlation to context of the site to develop a design solution that is creative while maintaining a clear budget.

Auburn University - Bachelor of Architecture, 1997
        Abroad: Auburn University European Architectural Studies, 1996
        Rural Studio: Auburn University, 1994: Haybale House - Samuel Mockbee


Danny England


Attracted to the translation of architecture from drawn artifact to constructed reality, co-founder, Danny England, focuses on material assemblies and detailing as a primary language of architecture. With more than 20 years of experience in design and construction, Danny has learned the value of using common materials in creative ways to create cost effective design solutions. Danny believes in providing the client with a design that is inspired, functional and financially responsible in order to meet project expectations. Complimenting his commitment to architecture as a profession, Danny takes great pride in serving as a design studio instructor and critic in the School of Architecture at Georgia Tech as well as the Department of Architecture at Kennesaw State University.

Georgia Institute of Technology – Masters of Architecture, 2001
Georgia Institute of Technology – Bachelor of Architecture, 1999


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Miles Shearron


Miles has lived about a dozen lifetimes in forty some odd years. Hailing from just outside of Nashville he’s a born and bred Southerner who learned the value of hard work at an early age. And like all good Southerners, he loves barbeque, football, a good joke, an uncommon dog, a tall tale, and his mother. He believes that anything worth doing is worth doing right. He’s markedly passionate about life and spends the great majority of his time drawing, reading, eating, watching movies, travelling, eating, listening to music, socializing, playing with his dogs, telling stories, and eating.

He graduated from The University of Tennessee with a history degree and followed an innate fascination for making things (anything really) straight into the fast and furious tutelage of a do-it-all uncle who taught him, amongst other things, the right way to build buildings and the wrong way to nail your hands to a 2×4 (there’s really no right way). With nothing more than a box of pencils and a T-square in tow, he headed back to the University of Tennessee where he graduated (again) with a degree in architecture (finally!) With the proverbial stars aligned, he lit out for the territory ahead and landed squarely in the heart of the Peach State. The rest, as they say, is history.

University of Tennessee - Masters of Architecture, 2010
University of Tennessee - Bachelor of Arts, 2003
        Abroad: Siena, Italy 2007; Florence, Italy 2008


MORGAN justis

Interior Designer

Born and raised just outside of Atlanta, Morgan has a special attachment to the city. Atlanta serves as a huge influence in who she is and how she designs. She graduated from the University of Georgia with a love of technology, learning, and sustainability and tries to incorporate these elements into her professional practice. She brings imagination into her designs by creating special spatial moments and a thoughtful approach to how the space will function. Morgan loves having the opportunity to work directly with architects to ensure the project is cohesively designed, inside and out. She believes collaboration and coordination is essential to great design. 

Outside of the office, Morgan loves drinking a good cup of coffee, walking around the city,  baking, and sharing a delicious meal with friends and family.

University of Georgia – Bachelor of Arts, Interior Design, 2012
NCIDQ #31210



Studio Architect

William is a licensed architect. Prior to joining Office of Design in 2017, he received grants to complete his studies in Florence, Paris, New York, and Japan. His academic work has been awarded by AIA GA, the National Collegiate Honors Council, and the College of Architecture at KSU. He sees the potential for architecture to revitalize and to heal - through sustainability, civic engagement, and relationships. He finds meaning through appreciating the beauty of an individual, a scenic view, or a shared meal.

Kennesaw State University Bachelor of Architecture, 2017
        Abroad: European Council Study Abroad Paris, 2015; NYU Honors Scholar Studies in Florence, 2011



kyle anderson


Alabama native Kyle Anderson received his architectural training at Auburn University, attending Auburn’s Rural Studio as well as studying abroad in Aarhus, Denmark. He began his career working on large, multifamily housing complexes around the Southeast and Midwest prior to joining the team at Office of Design. Kyle is fascinated with the intersection of beauty and functionality, always seeking to find design solutions that are sophisticated in their function and elegant in their expression. An avid drummer, he spends his free time listening to or playing music, spending time with family, and starting one too many new hobbies.

Auburn University - Bachelor of Architecture, 2020
        Abroad: Auburn University, Aarhus, Denmark - Spring 2018
        Rural Studio: Auburn University, Fall 2017
